Michele Willmott's Profile:

Michele Willmott has 6 Published Articles. Profile has been viewed 1168 times.

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Samoens 74340, Haute Savoie, ,
Samoens 74340, Haute Savoie, ,
Switzerland, Geneva, , Haute Savoie,
74340, , 0033450581961
Personal Website : http://www.stressednomore.com
I am passionate about helping people to feel good about themselves and their lives. I love that coaching enables me to see people at their most amazing selves,! I am a qualified Life Coach, Yoga and Meditation teacher. I enjoy working with a number of UK Television personalities and coach individuals from all walks of life. ways to reduce stress relaxation techniques
Blog : http://www.stressednomore.com

Browse Michele Willmott's Articles by Category

Arts and Entertainment (1) Depression (3)
Health and Fitness (2)